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The Sunny D: Summer- May 28, 2016- Day 1

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Summer- May 28, 2016- Day 1

I agree.

The end of a school year feels like you have stepped off of Mr. Wonka's great glass elevator. You have been zipping this way and that, spinning your wheels a million miles an hour. Then, just like that, you step off dizzy and disoriented wondering what in the heck just happened. That is the best way to describe the end of a school year in my opinion.

So, here I sit. Dizzy. I have been thinking about the last year and I am grateful. I am grateful that this is the first year in THREE that I don't have to move my classroom. I am grateful for the friends I have made at my new job. I am grateful for the success and lessons my children have learned by finishing something REALLY hard. I love those babes of mine. I adored my class this year. They were hard working and smart. Plus, they were little and so cute. SO CUTE. I am going to miss them this summer.
Aydan received an award for his perseverance in Math. It was an all school award and quite a big deal. He was behind a year in math and had to catch up. I am grateful to his wonderful teachers who helped him. I feel like he is such a better student and more prepared than ever for Jr. High. Yes. I have a child in Jr. High. Weird. He is such a good boy and I am so proud of him. 

Aydan went to Scout camp for a couple of days and so on the last day of school it was just Ellie and me. We decided to go out to dinner and enjoy the beautiful cool evening. We ate and watched the sunset. It was a good ending for a good year. 

I am also VERY grateful Prop 123 passed. I have opinions about that but the bottom line is I am so grateful to have a raise coming.

I also have to apologize to my friends who have been trying to get a hold of me and I have been, absent. I am sorry. I have been on a great glass elevator and I just stepped off. I'll be back. I am just hibernating right now. In fact, I am contemplating if I have enough energy to shave my legs because since it is summer that should be the first order of business. The truth is everything but school and second graders and my children has taken a back seat. Just ask my strawberry plant. It died.

Neglected. So many things have been neglected: Me, the house, my plants, my friends, a social life, everything else essentially. So for our first real day of summer I.....

1. Slept until 8. I am not sure when 8AM became sleeping in. I remember in college thinking that 8:30 was definitely the best time to wake up. Any earlier was just asinine. Fast forward 20 years and 8 feels like sleeping in until noon. 
2. Made a protein shake for little girl and I. One summer goal is to lose 20 pounds. If I lose ten I will be happy..I like to shoot high on goals. Taking care of myself and eating good, real, pure food is a priority along with regular exercise. I want to feel better and strong. If I could describe how I feel right now it would be tired, run down, dizzy. It is time for a change. 
3. I hired a house cleaner to come and do a deep clean of the house. I do that for myself two or three times a year. I can't tell you the weight it takes off of me. So today Ellie and I cleaned out six cupboards. We chucked a whole bunch of stuff, wiped out the cabinets, and organized the rest of the stuff. I have an internal smile. I love clean organized cupboards. Plus, we found all of this stuff I forgot I had. It was like a treasure trove. We found a snow cone maker. Uh. I don't ever even recall buying that thing or why but Ellie is excited about it. We will probably use it once and then it will lose its magic. That and the JELL-O mold. You heard it here first folks. JELL-O mold.
4. We went grocery shopping so I could buy all of those delicious natural foods to eat healthier. Oh, and a packet of JELL-O, for the mold. 
5. Writing. I am writing now and have a goal to write every day this summer. If you knew the truth it is just a sneaky way to delay leg shaving and the pile of laundry begging me to fold it. I am listening to Pandora and birds chirping outside. I hear Ellie watching some show on her ipad. I see three big beautiful bunches of flowers from students that make me happy. 
6. Tonight I have plans with a friend. Fish n' Chips. We always get fish n' chips it is our thing. Aydan will come home from summer camp and we have plans to go to the pool with friends.

Day 1 of summer is shaping up to be a good one except for the leg shaving bit. 

XOXO- The Sunny D


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