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The Sunny D: Love Just A Little

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Love Just A Little

One of my favorite pictures taken in Spain. What I imagine to be two friends meeting for an afternoon chat. 

I have a request. If you read this will you do me a favor? In the next week will you spread a little love. Just a little. It can be in your family, an act of service, a smile to someone who looks sad. Anything. Plus, I believe that most of you that read this already do this. You probably try to spread a little love everyday. I feel deep in my bones that this is precisely what we all need right now. The world, our world needs more love. I also believe that the more love you give the more you will receive because that is a universal law. 

I have been thinking a lot about the state of our country, our new president, the Golden Globe speech given by Meryl Streep and the outbursts of anger that have followed. I think what she was trying to say was the world needs more love. Our country needs more love and WE can all give more love, empathy, and understanding to each other. 

I have also been thinking about Martin Luther King Jr. A man, who I believe, really stood for something worth believing in. Equality, more love. There is a song by Patty Griffin that when I hear it, it reaches my soul! I can relate! I love it. I love it because I feel like whatever our life's work is we all feel burdened and tired by it but we still persevere because we know it is the right thing to do and worth the work. Here it is if you want to give it a listen. Up to the Mountain

I can't say that I know what it feels like to be in a Black, Asian, Native American, Hispanic, or born sheathed in any other kind of skin than my own. I can't say that I know what it is like to be any other religion than Christian. What I do know for sure is we all have a heart that beats and a spirit that feels and we all look exactly the same on the inside. I know that when I teach my precious class of second graders who come in every shape, size, color, religion, etc..etc...etc....when I look into those little shiny, sweet, eyes and feel their worth and see who they are and the light they bring everyday with them that I know every single one of them is a treasure. This is something else I have learned and I know for sure when and adult is being difficult or rude I try and really look at them and 'see' them. In fact many times I try and see them as a second grader as the child who is a treasure sometimes I am kinder and have more patience. (and truthfully sometimes I'm not...but I am TRYING)

I guess what I am trying to say is I hope we can try a little harder to see the good in each other and for all of us to BE good to each other. To love a little more, to see the light that shines from everybody's heart and soul from within and shines in our eyes. We might not be able to change our country but we can all change the atmosphere in our immediate circle. We can love a little more and that really could do something good. A lot of good. Just think about it, there is so much good in the world! Look at all of the children our hope for the future! The kind acts, the generosity, the friendly smiles, and neighbors who help each other. Let's focus on that and our power to make our circles a place of happy, shiny, smiling, eyes.

XOXO- My soapbox...My Blog...With much Love and a Tender Heart...The Sunny D


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