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The Sunny D: Annoying, Insert Eye Roll Here.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Annoying, Insert Eye Roll Here.

My Thoughts About the News
I don't know if this is Cecil the Lion but this is one of my favorite pictures of all time. It says, "Sigh, I am happy." I obviously have too much time on my hands because I have watched a bit of the news. Cecil the Lion is making world news because he has been poached. I didn't even know who Cecil the Lion was. I can understand why people are enraged. I don't believe in killing animals just for fun. If you are killing Safari animals for sport I think maybe you should do something more constructive with your money instead of killing animals who's species are dwindling. And then I ask??? Did anyone hear the news on Sunday about the man who cut off his arm and poked out his eye and then killed his wife and dogs??? WHY aren't we in an outrage about that? Maybe the guy who went on a safari to kill animals could donate some money to help actual people who are animals get help, so they don't do this crazy stuff. Ugh. Insert Eye roll here.

I have a soft spot for Large animals...okay kind of a nervous soft spot. But still.

Another story in the news that made me so happy is this one...check it out you will NOT be sorry. Heart melter. Baby Elephant

My Thoughts About Stuff
Positive thinking. I am working really hard to be more positive because I can be a tad critical at times. Here's what is going through my head.
  • Stupid button down shirts that don't fit. I want one of those super cute chambray button downs and the size I need fits everywhere except the buttons pull on one spot. UGH. (Ladies, you know what I mean) So I go up a size and it is like I am swimming in chambray. How do I turn this into a positive. I can't. Insert Eye Roll Here.
  • Exercise and Losing Weight. My actual thinking is very negative so now I think...I am strong and healthy. I am powerful. I can run, and play with my kids, and work out really hard at Orange Theory. Losing weight is SO easy, I figured out the key to losing weight. It is just melting off of me! I love eating healthy foods they are my favorite. Insert Eye Roll Here. 
My Thoughts About Online Dating the Viscous Cycle

I think....maybe I will give it a go.
  1. Why are there so many weird pictures of men. Why do some men think the pictures they post will attract women?
  2.  I would say at least fifty percent of the pictures I have come across are men on fishing trips. They are standing holding a giant fish, or in front of a whole bunch of fish. Gross. Just gross. All I can do is smell raw stinky fish when I look at the pictures. The men look like they have been camping for eight days. Please take a shower before you make that your dating profile picture. I mean it is cool that you caught all those fish but for your main profile picture?
  3. Look. I am older when I go on vacation I don't want to camp. OKAY. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy camping( I usually go three times a year) but I don't want to go every weekend. So if your profile is of you camping, hiking, cliff jumping, rappelling, hunting...I feel like you may be looking for more of a DUDE than a girl to date. 
  4. Why are you kissing your dog? Your dog licks its bum and then you want to kiss me. Ew. 
  5. Or the shirt off muscle pictures. INSERT EYE ROLL HERE. 
  6. Pictures with a woman. Tell me this is NOT your wife. I wonder what she thinks of this? 
  7. Profile pictures where the woman and man's heads are together and he has cut her off but you can still see her hair on his face.  huh?
  8. How about a little smile? Smiling makes you look friendly.
  9. Why do you have sunglasses on in every picture? Do you have eyes? 
  10. Why are you lying about your age? You are definitely older than 37..like possibly 55. 
  11. I love going on dates when the man has said he is a certain height and I wear heels and he is four inches shorter than me. Why are you lying about your height???? Don't you know this causes a major wardrobe malfunction? I could have worn flats. Men who are 5'8 ALWAYS say they are 5'10. Just don't. Please just be you. This is an indicator of dishonesty it is mild but it is annoying. 
So I date a lot for a few weeks and then I get tired of dating because it is quite a lot of work. I hide my profile or end my subscription for another three months. Then I feel bad because I have so little time when I have my children I think....I should date. So I sign up again and the whole viscous cycle starts over. Maybe I need to apply positive thinking to online dating. Maybe guys could just put a picture of their face as their first picture without a hat to hide the baldness or glasses to cover the eyes. Just your face and tell the truth about your height. The rest will fall into place. No one cares if you are bald anyway. 

So I go back to my normal life cleaning, working out, drinking protein shakes and eating Greek yogurt with a little granola. Trying to help others and being the best Mom I know how. I enjoy my work, I love going out with my friends men and women. I love those friendships. I go to my Mom's every Sunday for dinner, sometimes I fall asleep and sometimes we have big family talks...and sometimes we play games. Then I work on planning my next adventure smiling to myself. My life is simple and happy there is no need for any eye rolling here. 

XOXO- The Sunny D....A little bit saucy. 


At September 7, 2015 at 8:13 AM , Blogger Aubree said...

This made me laugh, I love your posts!!


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