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The Sunny D: What to Expect For Your First Hot Yoga Class

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What to Expect For Your First Hot Yoga Class

This is right after my first hot yoga class. I am RED and DRENCHED. Not just sweaty I mean RING YOUR CLOTHES OUT DRENCHED WITH SWEAT. 

I had been to yoga before. I told you about my first yoga class, it was pretty much a success. I have done yoga in the past a few classes here and there. I love yoga for several reasons. It helps me to feel balanced, and I release stress from areas in my body that I don't usually reach with running or lifting weights. Like my lower back for instance. Plus, it helps limber up my legs, I have really tight IT bands. I always have and they can wreck havoc on my whole body if they get too tight. Anyway, here's how hot yoga went for me. 

I woke up for my early Saturday morning class. The instructions said NOT TO EAT first. So I didn't. 

I arrived thirty minutes early to fill out the paper work. Which basically says, If you die we are not liable. I signed it with a flourish. 

I waited for my friend who was supposed to meet me, she stood me up. Luckily, another friend we have in common came and so she kind of showed me the ropes. 

It was an hour and a half class. I was told to bring water, a towel, and my yoga mat. Which I did. 

I waited outside the class that was in session, when the doors opened and the class came out I was greeted with a gust of hot sweaty air. Then, a few men came out. One of them men's sweat dripped all over my foot. I was totally grossed out. 

There are some really cute yoga outfits out there. None of which I own. 

I found my spot in the room and got comfy, I kind of looked around to see what other people were doing, they were shaking out their legs and arms like they were getting ready to do some sprints. I flopped on my mat and lay down, I then noticed that everyone was covering their mats with these fancy towels. I spread my regular towel over my mat. The heat was turned up.

The class began, I easily followed the first few rounds. The heat was progressively turned up higher and higher. I watched some of the women in my class they were PROS. About half way through I was dizzy and so I laid down for a minute. The instructor would occasionally open the door and let in some Arizona air which felt like ice cold air conditioning. 

I noticed I was sweating more than I ever have in my life. Picture exercising in a sauna. Huge drops of sweat ran off of my head, down my legs and arms. I followed the class, modifying some of the yoga moves. I tried to do a back bend when they asked us to. I couldn't yet. That is my goal for next time. One girl did a back bend and then went into a sort of hand stand and would then kick her legs to the mirror and go back and forth and back and forth like a pendulum. I was in awe. 

I realized I was stronger than I thought I was. After the last part of stretching our legs and back muscles we were supposed to lay down for a rest. I felt like I had this huge brick under my back and I COULD NOT lie down flat on my back. I could hardly breathe. I tried to lay down on my side but I couldn't even do that. 

Finally it was time to go. I walked out of class, sat in my car and was happy. 

I went home and slept for two hours. 

I woke up and felt AWESOME, like all the yucky stuff in my body had been sweat out. 

I can not wait to go again! 

Who knew something that sounds so terrible could be so fun? 

XOXO-The Sunny D


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