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The Sunny D: Stealing Kisses and Greasy Pick Up Lines

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stealing Kisses and Greasy Pick Up Lines

I had a conversation the other day with a dear friend.

 I have had several that have made me really think about some things, one thing is kissing. I feel like kissing after a date is an expectation, the first date that is. I am old fashioned. I am not going to kiss a boy on the first date. I'm just not. I have been surprised by several kisses on the fist date when the boys just go for it.

That tells me a lot about a person.

Can this person wait for things? Are they patient, or do they take what they want. I then have the boys I have gone out with that will ask first, and I like that. I am honest and I will say no, not yet. Then depending on how I feel about them they will get a handshake OR a HUG. Handshake=never going to kiss you but may hug you someday, Hug= good chance I will kiss you in two more dates. These men usually turn into some of my really good friends. You see to me, a kiss is not just a kiss. That is the norm it seems and I think that must make me a weirdo, looked at like I am a prude.

That is just fine.
Kisses still mean something to me.

I don't just give them away to anyone who wants them. They are not a gross sensual thing to do that has been portrayed by the media. If I kiss you, it is because I want a connection with you and you're special to me. I have always been this way, it must just be a part of my DNA. I also feel that even if  I am not sure about a man, after three "dates" I will let him kiss me and then I can tell if I have feelings or not. After three dates the poor guy has pretty much earned it right? ( the term date is used loosely here, a date can be just a nice walk around the neighborhood to me, it doesn't have to be the whole dinner and a movie thing)

Men like this are not always easy to find, the ones that feel the same way about kisses as I do. That is okay though, because I have FAITH that there are a few good men still out there.

Two separate but interesting experiences with men yesterday:

I went to my favorite store Last Chance. I found some great bargains! I got THE cutest dress for $7! I spent about a hundred bucks and got Aydan a tie, shorts, Ellie TWO outfits, I got two dresses, some leggings, a few blouses and a pair of chino's for work. Not too shabby!

While I was there I ran into my best cousin, we all love LC and I generally run into one family member or another. There was a man there and she said, watch out for that guy he is picking up on everyone. Sure enough, as she was helping me look through the shirts he greasily strolls over and begins to talk to her. Behind the stack of shirts laid over our wrists she pokes me in the side. A hidden nudge of the foot or poke in the side is by another woman is an indicator of OH MY GOODNESS!! I TOLD YOU SO!) He starts chatting us up, (she is married) and I hold a blouse up to show Aubree, when he slithers, "That color would be just beautiful on you." I smile, thanks as I looked sideways unsure of how to respond. Aubree chirps, "So how many  numbers have you gotten today?" and he said several. He focuses his attention on me and we are talking about the different groups that shop at LC. ( the ones that are getting kicked out and told to get a "hobby" ha. ha.) There is the Mexican Mafia purse group, the Asian group,  the Russian group, the Dress Hoarder girls and the Mormon group. He shares a few of his pick up artist methods how the last two days as he is visiting from out of town. He then points out that is what he was doing when he complimented my blue shirt. ( I wanted to say..REALLY? I had NO idea? OH BROTHER.) To which I replied in crimson face fashion, I am in the Mormon group. He gives me another slimy compliment and makes fun of the fact that I am blushing.  Bam! He knows I am Mormon, not going to sleep with him and his interest immediately lost and my intention accomplished.

Who looks to pick up women at LC? I am there to shop dude, leave me alone.

 I have the most darling friend, I just adore him. He took me to dinner and a movie last night. We talked about who we had little crushes on. I think it is amazing that I even have a little crush. I don't have them very often. Anyway, I gave him a challenge with his new crush. They have been on one date and have one set up for next Friday. I told him he had to wait 7 dates to kiss her. He was freaking out, but it is imperative for this boy to SLOW DOWN, because I know him and I want him to find love. He is a great guy. One of my dearest friends.

So back to kissing, kissing shows love. It isn't gross, it is lovely and wonderful when you find the right person to kiss but kissing can lose its significance if used too much. I don't want to take kissing for granted.

My favorite boy to kiss.....this is three years ago when he was a Kindergartner. Oh that boy! I love him so!!
This is another one I love to kiss...look at those squishy lips she has. Love HER!!

My point here exactly, kisses show love. When I kiss my children it is because I love them so. It is not what media has TURNED kissing into. It isn't sexual, it is EMOTIONAL CONNECTION. Unfortunately, media has tricked people into thinking being sexual IS emotional connection and that is not always the truth. Being intimate and connecting emotionally has MANY faces. 


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