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The Sunny D: August 2017

Monday, August 14, 2017

It is Better to Ask Some of the Questions Than to Know All the Answers-James Thurber

I have been studying the topic of acquiring knowledge or learning. In studying this topic I have come across articles about some of the nations greatest men and there are several attributes they all share. They loved to read. They had a voracious appetite for reading and they asked questions. They asked questions and engaged in conversations with everyone they met. They learned from people and in turn could have a conversation with almost anyone about any topic. 

As a chronic worrier I am familiar with asking questions...especially, "What if." I am learning that there is a difference in asking questions. Do I ask with doubt and fear or hope and faith that there will be an answer. Am I asking the right sources? What are the right sources? For me the best source is the Father. I know for one he will never lead me the wrong way. I also know no question is off limits to Him. I also know that sometimes the answers are really, really, hard but they always come with love and peace and don't feel as bad as they could with out His help and the help of The Holy Ghost. 

I have a lot of questions all the time. A lot. 

Is that normal? I hope so. 

I have a whole gob of photos and thoughts from my trip that I want to write down and am not even halfway through it but crazy stuff happened over here like a fire and a car accident that kind of just detoured me from writing. So here I am a month later still not finishing the trip but maybe more so contemplating the fact that very soon I will be turning 40. 40 with a lot of questions. 

However, I am grateful. I am grateful because I had the best summer I have ever had in my life. I think for the first time in a long time I started this school year feeling ready to go back. I have energy and more peace and joy than I have had in a long time. I am grateful because every day I get to be on this beautiful planet is another day I get to spend with the people I love the most, and ask them questions. For the first time in many years I feel balanced and happy. That is the best feeling ever. I am so SO grateful to feel this way and to look forward to the next day instead of dread waking up because I am so tired. 

My class asked me how old I was and I told them 39 and they gasped and said, You don't look that old!"So I replied, well I am lucky it's because I am so pretty that I look young. HAHA. They all nodded in agreement. I love how they take everything you say as the gospel truth. Man do I LOVE second graders. 

I will still ask questions and I will try to be a good listener because it is never fun to have a conversation with someone where they talk the whole time. I look forward to 40 and I am grateful I have made it this far. 

XOXO- Ramblings....The Sunny D