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The Sunny D: November 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

More Than Enough

I am thankful for Sister Little's bread recipe. When I lived with my parents Sister Little would make FRESH sacrament bread every single week. It was literally the BEST sacrament bread ever. On fast Sunday the bread pieces would be extra big and was something to look forward to for sure! Ellie and I made this easy one rise bread and the kids are so happy. 

I started this blog post and my attitude of gratitude month with the very best of intentions. However, life caught up with me and the days got super busy. One thing is for sure, I am very grateful for all of my blessings and I know that when you focus on the good and happy things of life they seem to expand. 

It's tithing settlement time! Love these kids of mine. 

The most fun impromptu dinner get together ever! I saw that my cousin Ryan and his wife were coming to town for Thanksgiving on Facebook. So I sent a message to see if we could meet up with them and VOILA there was a dinner that all the Farnsworth boys were going to be at that night at Fuddruckers. Unbeknownst to me my cousin Kyle and his sweet family were also here from Texas and then my cousin Ben and his family was there too. It was so fun. I love these people with my whole heart. This dinner made my week. I wish we could all get together more often and I relish the time I get to spend with my family. 

Let's just say the Turkey Trot wasn't Ellie's favorite part of Thanksgiving. 

We had fun sticking the signs in each others faces. 

We went Black Friday shopping ON Friday and not until 9am. We stopped at the MAC counter and I put a little lipstick and mascara on my baby girl. She has the cutest, curliest, long eyelashes which are not from me but from her Dad for sure. She lucked out in that department. My cutie pie. Aydan had a wrestling tournament all day. I am proud of him and how hard he is working in school and sports. I think juggling all of the classes and not having a lunch period and going to Seminary has been a challenge for him. We have been working together to help him get into a good habit and schedule each day to help him have a pattern of success to follow when he is at my house and his Dad's. I am really proud of his efforts and the great boy he is. 

You know the holiday was filled with family, food, friends, Christmas shopping, decorating the house and some rest mixed in. It was lovely. It is a good life and one to be so grateful for. 

XOXO- The Sunny D 

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Graham turns TWO! My cute brother Steven helping out..cute Uncle! 

1.Today we celebrated Graham's second birthday. He turned two and we had a YELLOW party because it is his favorite color. It is so cute to see him say yellow. I am thankful for Graham. 

2. Ellie and I ran seven million errands and I loved having my mini me in tow. 

3. We are now baking bread...I am thankful for carbs. 

4. Today I looked in the mirror and started to get a little critical of myself, but then I decided that I was just so thankful for a body that worked. It works and works and works and keeps working even though at times I work it to the bone. It is the most magnificent machine ever created. I am grateful for a healthy body that works. 

5. I am grateful for a clean house.  Clean houses make me happy. 


What to be thankful for this Friday.....

One. There was a terrible huge accident on the freeway today. I was redirected twice in traffic and it was horribly congested getting to work. I BARELY made it by the skin of my teeth to work the same time my class was walking in the door. I was in a panic as we had a field trip that day and I had things to prepare. But some great things came from this...my teammates had my back and brought my class in for me and they grabbed the sack lunches from the cafeteria that we needed for the field trip. I can't tell you the gratitude that oozed from my heart for them. I don't even know if I said thank you..rude! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Two. I got to work. I was alive and healthy and maybe a bit stressed but everyone I loved was here with me in one piece. Prayers to all of those that were in that were involved in that horrific accident.

Three. A great team meeting in the cafeteria. Gosh, those teammates of mine have grown on me and I sure love them. 

Smooshed. On the bus. Isn't Laura so pretty. We had a before and after picture but it wasn't on my phone. Let's just say I looked tired. HA! Field trips are stressful! But also thank you to the sweet parent that bought me a diet coke at the insisting of my students! LOVE. 

Four. My parents who are the best Grandparents ever. My Dad who took Aydan to the Highland semi-final game and Mom who took Ellie out for a date. 

Five. An amazing organ concert. I sat in awe of the talent at the First United Methodist Church organist. She put on a fantastic concert and I was in the company of a dear old friend who indulged me with attending this. Even though WE were some of the youngest people there. It was lovely. The choir director at our school also sang a hymn in Latin it was amazing. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Today at lunch I saw a picture of Grandma that my Aunt had posted. Today is her birthday. As I was looking at her picture I just started to cry because I miss her so much. That brings me to the things I am most thankful for. A Grandma who loved me so dearly and completely. And, although it is difficult I am thankful in a way that she has passed on from this life. There have been great lessons in her passing. In doing this the love I have for her is felt so exponentially. I think this is part of the Lord's plan for us we get to feel love but it expands because the person we love has passed on. I am grateful to have loved and to feel that. I am grateful for my sweet (and feisty) Grandma. Happy Birthday Grandma. I really only had one set of Grandparents in my life that I knew well. However, they were more than enough. The best. 

I am grateful for this old violin. I don't think there is anything more Christmas-y than playing Christmas music. It has filled me with such joy. Tonight as I was reading the music I could hear it and I could hear the melodies coming together. It was thrilling to me. It's like becoming familiar again with a foreign language. I love it. It is a big commitment and at times I feel a bit overstretched but mostly I feel happy participating in this production. My fingers have always turned black when I play. There is something about the PH balance in my skin that does this. It is a welcome sign of violin practice to me. 

I am thankful for peaceful solitude. Quiet is one of my favorite sounds. 

I am thankful that there is Christmas music playing on the radio. It's a little earlier than usual for me to listen but I am really enjoying it. 

I had my review today and it went well, I am grateful for that AND that it is DONE! 

XOXO- Happy. The Sunny D 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


The Pantheon, Rome

I am grateful for the lessons today. The lesson to live in the present. 

I am grateful for laughing. Like the really good kind of laughing that great friends do together. 

I saw the Coldplay documentary tonight and I am grateful for good music...and concerts. It makes me happy.

I was so happy teaching today. It was such a fulfilling day and I was excited about the lessons I got to teach. 

I love my class. I love and am grateful for each one of those precious little children. 

XOXO- The Sunny D

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Switzerland. Sigh. If you haven't read Heidi....you should. 

I am grateful for my home. I love my home and being home. 

I am grateful for yin yoga where my heart, mind, and body were settled. It was not easy.

I am grateful for the cold weather. My house is freezing and I am debating if I want to turn the heat on or not. It is a little too chilly for me. 

I am grateful for a delicious crisp green salad that I gobbled up for lunch. 

I am thankful that my darling daughter is at school with me each day. I love her and having her close. 

XOXO- Another day in paradise. The Sunny D

A Five Star Day 11-12-18

I love making wishes. Make a wish!

Today was a five star day. 

I am grateful for good friends that wake up early to hike. I love the beautiful desert and walking and talking as the sun travels across the morning sky. 

I am grateful for a son who runs errands with me happily and cleaned the garage for me. I love helpers. My sweet Red Baron. 

I love the movies and I watched Emma and Jane yesterday at Superstition Springs. My heart was full of love and gratitude and I was reminded that the Lord never forgets us. I was reminded that friends come to our aid and we come to theirs. This has happened over and over and over again in my life. It was a sweet reminder. As I watched with my son and my dear friend J. 

I am thankful with a full heart for dear friends. They mean the world to me and they know who they are. The friends who you can be REAL with. Who you can share anything with, what a gift. They are the people who become family. 

I have had this seizing up of my neck lately. I think it could be stress related..pretty sure. So, I scheduled a massage with Maryann. Who is wonderful and if you want her info I will gladly pass it along. I feel so much better. 

A Life Lesson to Share:

I love Oprah's quote. "When people tell you who they are, believe them." It is SO true. This is a lesson I have learned with age. My friend and I talked a lot about this quote on our hike and how many hard lessons we had learned from it.

 As a person who really truly tries to turn everything into a positive or see the positive of situations I have learned a bit about personal boundaries. I think the fault of the teacher is to overlook things and only see the positives. My friend Laura and I were talking about this the other day. As teachers that is a HUGE part of our jobs identifying strengths and improving weaknesses. However, this skill of seeing only the positives doesn't always translate well to real life. 

If someone is showing you their true character and it is negative or has a negative impact on you. Or if they suck all of the life and energy out of you, you have the right to move on. When someone shows you who they are BELIEVE them. Sometimes moving forward is the best and only way. I guess the key is discerning the difference. 

 A five star day equals the good life. XOXO- The Sunny D

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gratitude Day 11

Sunday eight in the morning on the pew. Grateful I have these two to sit by. 

I am grateful for my sister. I love her and it has been so good for me to have them in my ward each week. She is truly remarkable and I am so blessed to have her and her family in my life. 

I was heading to my Mom's house for dinner. My Mom is another remarkable woman who cooks for us EVERY Sunday. Today we had a PRE-Thanksgiving feast. My Mom makes it every year and we all love it. There was everything good: juicy turkey, rolls, peas and carrots, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and ice cream cake. YUM! She is a wonderful example of a Mom and still takes care of each of us. She serves us happily and I love her. 

I was talking to a friend about donuts. My friend asked me what are my favorite donuts. As I was thinking about it I had this vivid memory of a holiday. It was some American holiday and all of my cousins and I were gathered in the front yard at my Grandma and Grandpas house. I wonder if it popped up because I was also thinking about Veterans Day today. It was a bright sunny morning and the grass was green. The sidewalk to the front door cut the yard in half and on the other side of the yard was the ancient grapefruit tree. There was an American Flag and we were playing games; foot races, gunny sack race, three legged race. My Grandma came out of the front door with a huge tray of homemade cinnamon twists. There was a tea towel over the tray and all of us children were THRILLED with the treat. We ate those up in two seconds flat. I was so grateful for my Grandma and the love she had for each of us. How lucky I am to have such an idyllic childhood with many memories of family, fun, and delicious home cooked food. AND SO...one of my favorite donuts is the cinnamon twist. I think they remind me of a simpler time and they are delicious! 

I am so grateful for Veterans and the service and sacrifice they give so I can live in a free country. I am beyond grateful. 

I am grateful for EPIC three hour naps after waking up on the weekend at 5 AM Saturday and Sunday. This head cold I have had needed it and I am so so so grateful that I can have a moment to rest when needed. Naps are my favorite. 

XOXO- The Sunny D....Counting blessings is fun! 

Gratitude Day 10

The best part of the carwash was being stared down by this cute doggie and its little underbite. 

Can I just be thankful for Saturdays? This Saturday felt extra sweet for some reason. I think I just really needed a day off. 

I am thankful that somehow I got roped into the monthly carwash deal. You pay a set amount for unlimited car washes. At first I was annoyed because I kind of got duped into it. Then I realized that it was way cheaper and I LOVE a fresh clean car. 

I love Trader Joes. I am so happy to have a fridge that is stocked AT least for breakfasts and lunches for the next week. I used to have this overstocked pantry. It was full to the brim of food. It is not that way anymore but I have found we have plenty for what we need. I am so grateful for that! 

I am grateful for Holiday Hallmark type Christmas movies. They always have the BEST one liners about love and trust. I watched one while I folded mounds and mounds of laundry. It was called the Holiday Calendar and it is on Netflix. Watch it and tell me what you think. The only thing that bugged me is one of the main characters always said choo instead of you. Sorry..grammar police is leaving now. 

Who doesn't love great dates? I love great dates. It is so fun to go out and have fun. To enjoy the company and conversation of another person. It is lovely to share a meal with someone. It is nice to get dressed and get ready. To dance to the music of a live band and play! I learned that I am a TERRIBLE fake golfer at Topgolf. Which means I will probably be a terrible real golfer at real golf. That is ok though because it was so fun. I love living life and I love when there is a little fun sprinkled in. 

XOXO- The Sunny D... A normal Saturday but a really great one. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Bonjour Mon Amie 11-9-18

This is a statue of the Virgin Mary at Mont Saint Michel in France. On a quiet drive through the French countryside you will find yourself shadowed by the beautiful Castle on a rocky islet. Inside the castle's church was this statue and under it you can see coins and notes. I found these details to be fascinating and I wondered who was giving these offerings? And, in that moment I said a little prayer for these people and whatever it was that they needed they would receive. Oh how my heart longs to go back there. As the night grew dim and dark and the stars came out we sat on the dock of the islet and listened to the fish flip flopping in the water below us. I lay down and watched the stars underneath the imposing castle above me. I must go back. 

Today I am grateful that my work at school is completely caught up. My grades are done, my yearly review final installation is typed and submitted. What an amazing feeling it is to put in hard work and feel accomplished. 

I am grateful for my love of travel and the glorious gift I have been given to see the world. My heart longs to go back to Europe and one day I hope to live there for a season. My mother was truly inspired to give me a French name. Sigh. 

Tonight after a long day at work my friend Laura and I did things that girly girls do. We went to the Rack...which I am super grateful there is one RIGHT by me now. I ran into a WHOLE bunch of people I know and love. If I knew the Rack was going to be such a great hang out Friday night I would have at least washed my hair since I haven't since Tuesday! We went to Red Robin where I got a FREE meal. I was so happy about that and grateful! We then went to Sephora where I ran into MORE friends and then a little trip to the nail salon. I would say a perfect Friday night! 

We came back to my house and as soon as Laura walked in she started screaming at the top of her lungs and staring at something and I said..WHO IS IN THE HOUSE?? I started screaming and running outside and then back in because I thought I can't leave her there and then back out and she was screaming the whole time too...when the hugest roach came streaking around the corner and I screamed louder. I live by a park AND a farm and this time of year they come out. I was FREAKING OUT and grabbed the spray and sprayed. However, I am not sure it is dead as it ran under my dryer and I am too scared to move it to see. SO. There is that. I guess I am grateful for bug spray? Laura and I then talked about having that little tid bit added to our dating profile. Need a Handy Man who is not afraid to kill roaches. Seriously my throat is hoarse now. Gross and EW. 

I am grateful that my bills are paid. It is a good feeling to get everything paid and have the means to do so. 

XOXO-The Sunny D---Dreaming of Paris

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Gratitude 11-8-19

I woke up this morning sure it was Friday. Then I remembered it was Thursday and our Veterans Day Assembly at school. So, I was decked out in my Red, White, and Blue for the assembly. I loaded up on Dayquil and Sudafed and off to work I went. 

Today I am grateful for a whole school of children who can recite the Declaration of Independence by heart. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal....it is awe inspiring. I love it. 

I am grateful for an amazing elementary school choir director who inspires children to sing and use their talents. Ellie and Aydan have both participated in Mr. Rittenhouse's choir and it is just amazing what he can do with a group of children. I am grateful for people who share their talents. 

Ellie in the choir

I am grateful for my friend Laura. At work today I was so dizzy and my face hurt from my head cold and the next thing I know two children from her class show up at my door with an ice cold water bottle and two Emergen-C packets. 

I am grateful for audible and books on tape which I have enjoyed on many a car ride. Current listen is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. It is fascinating. 

I am also thankful to my sister Morgan for the cute pictures she sends of the kids that just brighten up my day. I love that little nephew and niece of mine. 

XOXO-The Sunny D 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

I am Falling Behind...What is New.... Gratitude Days 6 and 7

At the Voting Polls they ran out of stickers and I was sad. Why is that sticker a badge of honor? I'm not sure but I love getting one after I vote.  This picture didn't make it onto social media because we couldn't see, the sun was in our eyes, and my hair was covering Ellie but I like it so here it is. 

Gratitude Days 11-6/7-18

I was in a situation yesterday where many stressors were piled on me all at once. My home life and professional life collided and from with in the depths of my belly I had to pull out all professionalism and march forward. It was a bombardment, a hot fiery trial of personal strength. 

I am also battling some bug, sinuses, chest, and fluid in my ears and so the test was also physical. I was also tested to be grateful to show gratitude in a time when I wondered if there was any but, there is always something to be grateful for. So when my tutor students left and my room was quiet I knelt down on the ground at my teacher chair and asked for help and strength. I made it through the morning, lost my appetite, and at lunch sat at my desk and cried. It was more of a release of all the pent up anxiety bubbling and tightening in my shoulders and at the temples of my head. Plus, I thought...Dior you have been through so many worse things than this. You've got this. 

I had my yearly review yesterday I think it went well and I can say that I love my class. There is a point in the year that your heart turns. You will always love last years class but your teacher heart turns to full love for the class you have in front of you and I felt that today. I love that feeling. It is like the smile your heart makes for the children you see each day. 

Now to get to it..

Ten items of gratitude for days 6 and 7 of November.

I am grateful for Jessica who cut and colored my hair. I went from looking like a little brown mouse to me. She is the best. 

I am grateful for Boca Tacos...and their happy hour menu which I fed my children for under $15 and there are left overs. It is from 2pm-6pm and can't be beat. Especially when you are a tired Momma.

I am grateful for the Father and Step-Mother of my children and the help and guidance they offer them. I am grateful to co-parent with them. 

I am grateful that I live in this amazing country and it is not lost on me that to be a woman in this country at this time makes me one of the luckiest women in the world. I can vote, I can choose what I want to do EACH and every day, I can work and provide for my children and I, I am educated, I get to do what I want to do. That is really something to be grateful for. 

I am grateful that I have the gift and opportunity to vote. My voice is heard and that is such a gift. I am a woman, I have a voice, and I will use it. 

I am grateful that after all was done today and I arrived home I crashed literally on my bed for an hour of solid sleep. Exhaustion had caught up with me. 

I am grateful that I am at this moment nearly caught up at work. Nearly. There has been a lot on my professional plate the last two weeks. I am hoping to get everything finished before this weekend so I can enjoy the three days. There is regular weekly grading, plus monthly testing to grade and input the data, my annual review which requires three write ups and a lesson observation, a field trip to gather all of the slips, chaperones, and lunches for the Cafeteria, and report cards to settle up and data to be calculated, evaluated, and entered by the end of work day Friday. So with all of that, I am grateful that at this moment I am sitting right where I need to be in finishing these tasks. 

I am grateful that yesterday is over. 

I am grateful that at the end of each day with my children sitting around me we can talk and pile on my bed, read scriptures, and say family prayers. My children are my treasure and the very best thing that have been gifted to me in my life. I hope I am worthy of the task of being their Mom. 

I am thankful for our school lunch lady...her son is in wrestling and literally the only reason I know what is going on at all at school with Aydan and that sport. She is the best. 

XOXO-You Can Do It....The Sunny D

Monday, November 5, 2018

Gratitude Day 5


I am grateful for Sudafed. 

I am grateful that I get to go to a job I love every day with people I love. 

I am grateful for Clorox wipes to use in the classroom and also the school nurse. 

I am grateful for my little class guinea pig Steve. He is pretty cute and I think I'll actually be sad when he dies. He is such a fixture of my classroom and has brought so much joy in that little smelly furry body. 

I am grateful for my car and that I can get to where I need to go in it. 

XOXO- The Sunny D

Gratitude Day 4

I must go back soon... Rocky Point has my whole heart.


Today I am thankful for life long friends. I walked into the Hallett's house today to drop of Liv and I just felt like I was home. I love that. 

I am thankful for cute Hawaiian's wielding power tools and fixing stuff around my house. I am really thankful for people who help me with the things I don't know how to do myself. 

I am thankful for my Mom's delicious Sunday cooking and dinner with the family. 

I am thankful for testimony meeting at church and the counsel given by a teenager; get up, get dressed; and go. 

I am thankful for get togethers with friends and friendly faces. 

XOXO- The Sunny D

Saturday, November 3, 2018


I am not sure if it is allergies or a head cold but I woke up this morning feeling like my head was being squeezed and the molars on the left side of my face ached letting know that my sinuses were ANGRY. One Zyrtec, Two Sudafed, and Three Advil later I feel like I 'm doing ok. 


I am grateful my kids friends are here today playing. I have run kids to Chick-Fil-A, the Skate Park, Circle K and having my home full makes me happy. 

I am grateful that I finally got to spend some time with Betsy....EVEN if it was to just drop off the boys, and go to War-Mart and then a quick bite at Backyard Taco. My heart is so happy to see her and  talk with her. 

Ellie asked me a few weeks ago, "Mom, why don't you bake bread anymore." I said, because I work. It also made me sad but today I grilled some chicken, cooked broccoli and some mashed potatoes and baked some cookies. It isn't bread but it IS baking and that made me happy.

I am grateful for happy music and cooking in my kitchen. 

I am grateful for not busy Saturday's and sweats. I have relaxed all day. It was wonderful...hoping to head off whatever this sinus thing is in my head. 

Home really is where my heart is.....XOXO The Sunny D

Boys at the skatepark

Two cute girls

Sugar Cookies and Music

Small and Simple Things

Just yesterday I said in my grateful post that my car smelled like butt. This morning, on my desk was this gift from one of my students. A yummy car freshener....amazing. 


I am grateful for thoughtful students who bring me the little things that turn into big things to me. They are small expressions that show me Heaven is listening. 

I am grateful this week is over. Halloween on a Wednesday and a Halloween party the Friday before turned the last two weeks into Halloween H-E-....double hockey sticks. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to make new friends. 

I am grateful I can go grocery shopping and buy the food we need for the week. There have been times that I could not and so the opportunity to get healthy food for my family is never lost on me. 

I am grateful my kids come home today. 

XOXO- Small and Simple Things, The Sunny D

Thursday, November 1, 2018


From high in the Alps we found this little ancient home and cobblestone walk ways, and I wonder who made the broom? Who uses the broom? Who lives there and plants the pretty flowers? 

November a time we turn our hearts and minds towards gratitude. A golden time of thanksgiving, harvest, and abundance. I have been practicing gratitude for the last several months. I have tried to be mindful of the many blessings in my life. There are so many and so I thought maybe I'd jot them down here. 


I am grateful for a Mom who believed in culture and encouraged me to play the violin. Although a talent like that gets rusty, it is never forgotten. 

I am grateful to be participating in an orchestra with my sister. It has brought me more joy than I even thought it could. 

The sounds of the instruments and the people who have come together to create something so beautiful my heart billows like a sail of a ship. I am grateful for them. 

I am grateful for Febreze because my car smelled like butt and now it smells like lavender. 

I am grateful for my bed. I love my bed and my pink comforter, my pillows, and the worn in spot for my body on the right side. MMMMM. Delicious. 

XOXO- The Sunny D-----Happy Again.