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The Sunny D: December 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lessons of 2016

If I was a bird I'd probably like to hang out in Zara too.
  1. Kindness is always the answer.
  2. Telling the truth might be hard but it always feels better in the end and so does hearing the truth, it might be hard but it feels better than a lie. 
  3. Working too hard is not always the answer. I was wrong. 
  4. It is important to rest when you need a rest. 
  5. No one but you is going to take care of you. 
  6. Running hurts my knee but feels really good.
  7. It is better to listen.
  8. If you aren't a good listener it is a good skill to develop. 
  9. Butter is better than margarine.
  10. Exercise equals emotionally happy. 
  11. I didn't exercise much this year, but am working towards a race and am up to two miles. I know it doesn't sound like much but with a bad knee it is progress. Today I finished with no pain and that is something. 
  12. My kids are my world but I need to learn to not let them overtake my world. 
  13. Next year I will try to be more social. 
  14. The Sunday nap is sacred and must not be interrupted. 
  15. A run down Mom is useless to everyone, including herself. 
  16. Eat a salad for lunch everyday.
  17. Flu shots actually work
  18. Be happy, it is a choice and you are the director of your choices.
  19. Travel is my favorite adventure. 
  20. Don't use credit cards. Ever. Even if you need them for groceries figure something else out. 
  21. A car that works is a huge stress relief. 
  22. Try not to be a glass half empty kind of person...I am sometimes and I am learning.
  23. Clean the fish tank, you'll feel better and so will the fish. 
  24. It is ok if your 12 year old is the ONLY kid without a cellphone. 
  25. Audio books are amazing. 
  26. Give yourself some credit, you really are better than you think you are. 
  27. A home cooked meal heals troubles
  28. Eat dinner with your family every night
  29. Children are amazing.
  30. A good skill to learn when you are practicing listening is also the art of not reacting when you hear information you find shocking or disappointing. Nodding and saying hmmmm so they know you are listening buys you time until you know what to say. 
  31. Laughing until you cry is the best. 
  32. Dating is interesting and an adventure. 
  33. Don't give up. 
  34. The really hard things in life don't last forever. 
  35. Hugs are nice.
  36. Ask others how they are, give hugs, and a friendly smile. 
  37. You can never have enough friends, but you need a few really good ones to be in your corner and vice-versa.
  38. Be genuine.
  39. Avoid running hills at Freestone park at all costs. You'll realize there are muscles in places you had no idea about. 
  40. Try to find the silver lining always. It's there. 
I learned a lot of great lessons. I have seen a lot of posts on social media and complaints about the last year. I could add my complaints I am sure but the truth is I am happy. It was a hard year but here I am at the end of it. I am healthy. My children are happy. I have a job I love. I have a family that loves me and I love them. I am an aunt to the most precious baby boy and mother to two treasures. I have really good kids. I learned a really hard lesson in balance this year. I didn't always pay attention to myself or my needs. I worked really, really, hard and what I learned is I need to slow down a bit. It is ok to stop and smell the roses OR go for a run and feel the sun on your face...even if it ages you...and see the birds flit from tree to tree and pump oxygen into your body and lungs. I also learned if you need help be humble enough to ask for it. I learned that I am not alone, there are angels on earth and heaven that watch over me. Next year is another adventure, there will be problems to be solved I am sure. I will remember to take care of myself too this next year and not let the tank get empty. That is my goal. 

XOXO- Good bye 2016. At least I am not an 80's icon...could be worse right???

Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

I feel happy, grateful, and blessed. I am full of hope for the future and I am looking forward to it. I am grateful for the life of my savior Jesus Christ. I love him and I know he lives. I am so grateful for the many simple things, good things in my life. It is full of family, friends, and a comfortable home. 

I love watching my children participate in the things they love. This was Ellie singing with the school choir. It was a wonderful performance. 

I was able to go to the temple yesterday. Aydan came with me and did baptisms while I did some other work. I felt so full of the Christmas spirit after leaving and then there was this amazing Arizona sunset that was the icing on the cake. 

The presents are wrapped, the treats are baked and delivered, and now for the best part spending time with family.

Merry Christmas- The Sunny D