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The Sunny D: January 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Let It Be Me...Ray LaMontagne

The butterflies are flapping their wings in my belly. 
I'm nervous and it reminds me of my favorite mug that says, "why are you so nervous and sweaty"
I love that mug but I don't love it when I am those things on the mug
And you might be the sweetest thing ever
Kind and so handsome
It is so refreshing like basil gelato on a hot Italian summer afternoon
I can't even tell you the last time I felt all the feels
And I Polo my girls like this goofy smiley sixteen year old
And awkward like a 16 year old,
But comfortable in my forty year old body
One day at a time I tell myself, just take it one day at a time
The conversation is smooth and easy
And you're smart 
I like that. 
And way more confident than me and I like that too
You and I are two adventurers 
That keeps my attention
Plus, you make me laugh and it has been too long since I laughed like this
What you don't know but I do, is that you showed up in a red, plaid, flannel shirt
So I knew I was safe
That is a story for another time
But my heart leapt a few beats
So let it be me friend
Because I feel like I can't always say what I want to 
Because thoughts get stuck and die in my throat but bubble up like a laugh and a smile

XOXO-The Sunny D

Monday, January 22, 2018

#Killingit in Stretchy Pants

Here's the thing.

I'm not really "killing it."

I'm mostly just flailing along and laughing at myself as I go.

It's true.

I have noticed a few things lately as life is really the greatest teacher.

Lesson 1: Stretchy Pants are Life.

It is my goal to make stretchy pants stay in style as long as possible. They are all I wear from 5pm-through sleeping and ALL WEEKEND long. I bought a few new pairs at Old Navy a few weeks ago at their big, "It's time for you people to get in shape" sale. It coincides with January and everyones well intentioned New Years Resolution to lose weight.

It was early, very early last Thursday morning when I committed myself to a 5am Orange Theory workout and decided to wear my new stretchy pants from Old Navy. The alarm blared, I awoke with a start...more like what the HEdouble hockey sticks!!!! But then beckoning to me were my new pants, a carrot if you will, calling me to try them out and sweat. I hopped out of bed and threw on my workout clothes, my hair was still in a bun from the night before....perfect. Into the freezing morning air I drove to my workout. Which was hard. OK. First of all it was 5am and second of all I was nauseous and let me tell you those BCAA's did NOTHING for me. Usually, the drink perks me up a bit. By then end of the workout I flopped on the floor like a fish out of water. My ears were buzzing...a clear sign that I might pass out if I did not sit my buns down in their new pants on the floor. So there I was. I was also hungry because I realized that maybe the bowl of Captain Crunch I had eaten for dinner the night before may not have done anything to fuel my workout. Shoot. The choices you make when home alone with no one to cook for and a need for dessert but also supper at the same time and you rationalize that Captain Crunch hits both of those needs. #1 It is delicious and leaves the roof of your mouth a little worse for wear but #2 Is vitamin fortified which makes it food. Right? Not at 5 am the next morning. I go home and make myself some steel cut oats with a handful of blueberries. A better choice and then flop on my couch for too long to take a shower and wash my hair but not to long to take an essentials shower. It was at this moment that I realized I had exercised all morning with my pants on inside out. I am still considering it a win. Just like this 0.0 bumper sticker that gave me a hearty laugh. #Killingit

Our Franklin Parent Organization aka PTO brings us birthday treats once a month and this year the treats are amazing! We have had veggies and hummus, chips and salsa, and fruit and granola parfaits.  Plus, I know and you now know that my nutrition isn't always A+ so I just want to say a big hearty thank you! It is so nice and thoughtful to have yummy treats every once in awhile. I know I am not the only person who appreciates it. 
I decorated for Valentine's Day. This was very intense as I took the Christmas bow off the wreath, bought a cute sign to hang there and threw a heart on the Eiffel Tower. I am feeling very good about my effort actually. #Killingit
I am a big fan of personal care and under that tent is pedicures. I went with a few girlfriends to a new place that was close to work. It was nice. The pedicure was great but at the end my friends had those little foamy flip flops but I didn't. We had waited a long time and were ready to go. My friends hopped up to go pay but I was stuck in my chair with no fake flip flops. I asked the ladies if they could help me but I was ignored. I asked a little bit louder if I could have some help this time my friends laughing at me....and the nail ladies speaking to each other as if I was not even present. I was like, "Please, can someone come help me? I have an ear appointment and I have to wash my hair." Which I am sure sounded absurd but it was true! With my ear surgery I can only wash my hair just before the bandage change, it had been three days and I was dying to wash my hair! The things you learn when you have a broken ear...Like missing earrings and sunglasses. Finally, a lady came to help me and gave me some foamy flip flops that were TWO left feet or something.#Killingit
Poor Ellie had strep for three days before we finally had her seen....she didn't complain and I feel like an awesome Mom for waiting that long but it can be tricky when the kids are at their Dad's and then come back to you and both parents are trying to decide if its serious or just the yucky stuff that is going around. #Killingit

My friend Laura and I ran a four mile Spartan run practice course on Saturday morning. I ate oatmeal before...I am learning. It was actually awesome and I can do all the obstacles except for a few but I know what I need to work on now and I am excited. I also have a new appreciation for the upper body strength men have. HOLY COW...it is hard to climb over walls. I may be a Spartan imposter but that's OK. The theme is my best is good enough. 

My Dad took our whole family out to Outback which he loves to treat us to occasionally. I forget how yummy it is. It was fun to be with my family. 

My cousin posted this poem and it really rang true to me. 

You know, I may not be doing life perfectly. It's pretty weird and sloppy and not perfect but I am learning that it is OK. The things that need to get done, still get done and to me that is what matters. 

I hope you are #Killingit too. XOXO-The Sunny D

Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, Break, Cancer, and Cheetie

It is a New Year! I am excited for this year and the hope and freshness that a new year brings with it. Self care will be my focus this year as it is something that can slip to the wayside quickly when I am taking care of other things; other things meaning EVERYTHING ELSE. I ended 2017 and began 2018 with an intention and focus on exercise. I ran 6 miles to end the year and hiked six miles to start 2018 anew. It felt good, really good. I spent New Years Eve with friends and family. My family played games and had a lot of yummy treats. There isn't anyone I would rather be with more. 

A beautiful hike with new and old friends on South Mountain. It was a perfect day and a challenging hike. 

My break was filled with friends and these two are ride or die.....Love them. 

Another ride or die friend.....who sat with me for FOUR hours. Yes. FOUR HOURS while I basically had the back of my ear skinned. A note to my Briggs Fair Beauties.....get your skin checked. 

My Dear Briggs Beauties,

We sunbathed, we ran, we laid on the beach in Rocky Point until our skin blistered. We played outside on Slip N' Slides and sprinklers and spent hours at the public pool. The sad news is we were all the Irish girl in the back and now I am paying the price. 

I had a sore on the back of my ear that would not heal for about a year. It was grossing me out so I finally went in to see what was the deal with it. Skin Cancer. YUP. So if any of you gals in my fambam have scaly spots, or a spot that won't heal....get it checked. Luckily, mine was not life threatening but they took the skin on the back of my ear down to the cartilage. They had to go in three times. It was not fun and ironically I kept going to my happy place in my mind...the beach at Rocky Point which probably was what ended me up in surgery in the first place! I'm not sure what I thought the recovery was going to be like. I think I thought I would just skip out of there, heal up and be on my merry way. NO! The recovery has been very uncomfortable and I wish I hadn't waited SO long to get it checked. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. They had to leave the wound open, no stitches and no skin graft due to the location. So I have been going in every two days or so to have the bandage changed. It is a good thing I am not vain....because I look pretty ridiculous. My Mom hugged me when she saw me like, you poor, poor thing. It's true. So case in point...please have your skin checked my dear cousins. This could be you and a huge thank you to my little sister who braided my hair tonight since I have to go back to work tomorrow looking like Evander Holyfield. At least my hair will be done. I can only wash it just before I go back for a bandage change. Awesome. Dry Shampoo is currently my best friend. For the record I am going to tell my second graders that I went into surgery to get bionic hearing so they can't whisper anymore and pretend like I can't hear them because I now have the hearing decibel of a cat or a dog. I can't wait. 

After Sunday dinner games with the family. Mom made Grandma's sweet and sour chicken wings tonight. Soul Food. 
Snuggle Buggle...watching The Flash on Netflix with my baby girl. 

If you know Ellie..you know she has had a love for big cats her whole life. My Mom won this huge life sized cheetah stuffed animal we lovingly call Cheetie at work. My Mom gave it to Ellie yesterday and she promptly buckled it in. Then, today we faced Cheetie looking out the window and when we pulled up next to cars we would roll the window down. The result was a lot of laughing from us and people in other cars. 

Loving life...XOXO-The Sunny D